Program List

The number of (the)data : 3
  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Suspense
  • Mystery

The Dangerous Venus


Based on a masterpiece Keigo Higashino mystery novel, Hakuro Teshima is a bachelor veterinarian with a strong sense of justice and incapable of telling a lie. One day a mysterious woman, Kaede Yagami, appears at his door, claiming to be his younger brother’s wife and informing him of her husband’s sudden disappearance. The two then go in search of the missing brother and husband, but get embroiled in a wealthy family inheritance battle of some 3 billion yen. Expect the unexpected and a jaw-dropping finish as the curtain rises on an epic mystery swirling in human desire.

히가시노 게이고의 걸작 미스터리 소설을 드라마화.
정의감 강하고 거짓말을 모르는 독신 수의사 데지마 하쿠로는 어느 날 갑자기「동생의 처」라 자칭하는 수수께끼의 미녀 야가미 카에데로부터 동생이 실종되었다는 소식을 듣게 된다.
하쿠로는 카에데와 함께 실종된 동생의 행방을 찾아 나선다.
그리고, 30억엔의 유산이 얽힌 어느 명가의 분쟁에 휘말려 간다.
예상도 할 수 없었던 놀라운 결말! 인간의 욕망이 소용돌이치는 장대한 미스터리가 막을 연다!


  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • On-off drama

  • Family
  • Human
  • Romance
  • For Women
  • On-off drama


Two boys met and fell in love with each other in their high school days.
It has been 13 years since they first met…
The two live in different places. Nagisa has left for Australia after breaking up with Shun. Nagisa got married with a woman and has a child, but they have difficulties to continue their marriage. He is still in love with Shun then he goes back to Japan with his little girl to see him 8 years later after their breakup. This is the purest love story of two men and how they can survive from the discrimination and prejudice. 

  • Detective
  • Suspense
  • Detective
  • Suspense

CSI: Crime Scene Talks


Satoshi Itomura is an assistant police investigator who belongs to the Metropolitan Police Department’s Scientific Investigation Team. Reenact- ments, fingerprint and voice data collections, profiling... His team collects scientific evidence and pieces together fragments of information to help build evidences.

However, Itomura often does not care about the scientific approach and instead pays a great deal of attention to the things that the victims always carried with them or treasured. And he focuses on these things because they usually carry the victim’s dying wishes, understanding that last message not only helps solve the cases but also brings closure to the depressed family of victims.